What Do Kids Talk About If They're Not Reading The Same Book?
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up at work My classroom has independent reading as it's foundation. We read every single day, no questions asked. So, what then do kids have to talk about? Don't they have to be reading the same text to have meaningful conversations? My students actually have a lot to talk about. They also have a lot of individual responsibility in each conversation. They aren't in conversations to ride on anyone's coat tails; they're there to share coherently and to learn from others. Book Groups This year I put my students into book groups in October. The groups of 3-4 students are consistent; they'll stay the same all year long. Students meet with their groups every other week. The structure is also consistent: the topic is based on what we're learning about at the time (characters, plot, setting, influence of any of these on each other, theme, strategies, etc.). Students begin by writing a reflection on thei...